Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why mankind must be destroyed

Is there any sight that fills you with greater sadness and anger directed against your so-called "fellow" humans than this?

Sure, there are plenty of other things that might convince you that humanity is not fit to exist – but few things sum it all up more than a dog turd in a plastic bag discarded in a field.

To anyone who does this: if you're going to pick the turd up, put it in a bin or dispose of it at home. If you just dump it in a plastic bag somewhere, IT IS WORSE THAN JUST LEAVING IT.

Dog shit biodegrades after a week or so, and is gone, back into the circle of life, along with all the fox shit, hedgehog shit, bat shit and owl shit that's already in the field there for the little kiddies to pick up. Plastic bags don't degrade. They last forever. So the turd will be there forever too.

That's the best possible outcome. More likely, the bag will sooner or later get torn, so the turd will degrade, but more slowly than before. So it sits around in the field, attracting flies, spreading disease, getting stepped on etc etc for months. And then, there's still a plastic bag blowing around the field.

Who do you think is going to take away your little dog poo bag? I'm not. It's one thing to pick up your own dog's shit, but I draw the line at someone else's (photographing it, however, is a different matter...).

To anyone and everyone who has ever done this: You deserve to be sealed in a plastic bag, with a dog turd and left in a field.

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